Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kitchen Down to bare floor and walls

Weellll, When you come home and see that ugly cabinets, counters etc. are gone forever, you feel a sense of relief. Of course, now we are down to using the disposable dishes and so forth, but you still have to use something to cook in, thus I will be doing dishes (just a few things) in the bathroom. This is like camping in your own house . . . only you still have running water, a bathroom, and privacy. This house is over 100 years old, and a portion of the kitchen was an addition--way before we ever set foot out this way. Possibly before we were born, in fact. Dennis and I have grown up in old houses where our parents renovated. We know what it's like. We will get through this. At least tonight it wasn't too bad. We didn't rearrange furniture like we did last night (because the way we had it just wasn't working). We don't know what the new cabinets will look like as yet. Maybe it would be a pleasant surprise to just wait and see it in the kitchen. I will look forward to a floor I can wash (remember I said the other was a rug--yish!) I recall when my father had renovated the kitchen and the rest of the rooms downstairs. Uh, his house was built in something like 1865. The kitchen being the oldest part--and there was some interesting configurations in the construction . . . but no old money hidden. Darn! Meanwhile the contest over on Fangtastic Books is over. I will announce the winner tomorrow here. I have just told her about it and have contacted my publisher to send her the eBook. We're having pretty good weather for April here, today and tomorrow 60's, but after that it sounds yish! I'm working on the third book, allowing the second one to just sit before I do a final read through. Now, if Publisher's Clearing House would just leave me alone . . . I might get something done tonight!


  1. Hi, Lorelei. Are we going to get before and after photos on this renovation?
    I don't know when we'll be doing ours, replacing our boring white tile for granite, but it will be soon. Yikes! Not looking forward to the couple of weeks without a counter. My cat "Jones" will be very pleased with all of the new cubbie-holes and tunnels, however.


  2. It may get a little rough (I know!) but you can do it. It's definitely worth the wait. Good luck. We need pictures!

  3. I know you want pictures, but I don't have digital camera. I've done some on the cell phone, but I just don't know how to convert it from there to here. Sorry.

    And, yeah it's a little bit of a headache, but we've been wanting this for years and finally it's happening--anything we go through is worth it!


Talk To Me...


Hi, everyone, I have some great news! My first Sabrina Strong book, Ascension, is now in an audio book format.  NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTE...