Sunday, March 31, 2013

The End

Hello, my pretties.
Hope everyone is having a nice Easter. Our weekend is pretty much the same--doing laundry, getting groceries cleaning, etc. Just another day for us.

Well, today I actually put The End on my sixth novel of the Sabrina Strong series, first draft. After writing over 93,000 words into this story, I think I can say for sure that Sabrina's story has me hooked. I want to continue with the sevent book, of course. But I can't do that. I've got to work on the next book to be publsihed, #4. Editing, and my beta reader (hi Shelly! Chocolate hugs!), the final work is yet to be done.

And actually my next project is to get out the ebook version of Spell of the Black Unicorn. I put off reading through it one more time and had planned on April to be when I would return to it. Luckily I finished the sixth book in time, right?

Spell of the Black Unicorn is a totally different book/series. I started that back in 2004. I self-published it in 2008, but had to pay to get it into print form and out there where people could buy it. I had my first book signing at Borders. All firsts. I was sick of waiting for someone to say they want my book--any book. I spent my whole adult life waiting, and I was going to turn 50. I said screw it, I'll do this myself. So, I did.

Now I'm editing the manuscript and I'm placing it out on Amazon and so forth for people to enjoy again. My first fantasy was a fun book to write. So much so that I wrote a second book, which has not seen the light. If people show interest I'll put the second book out, but not until I'm sure there is enough interest. And, it needs to be edited, beta reader, edited and so forth.

So, am I busy? Yes. I also have a full time job. When I find time to write, I have to do it. It normally takes me at least a year or more to write a first draft. But when I have to promote, that takes time out of the writing. It's all connected, but if you don't have a lot of time to do this, then, it's difficult. But I'm going to have to devote more time to that soon.

And lately blogspot is not giving me a view of the tabs I used to be able to see when I create a post, so since I can barely do my own blog posts, I'm not able to do any guest posts. I was fine for a while, but now I can't even do links. This sucks. When I want to post a picture I have to cheat, go place the picture over on my facebook page, do a right-mouse and click COPY and then come back to this page and click PASTE. This takes a lot of time. Time I just don't have, so you'll forgive me if I'm not inviting people over for a visit. Maybe someday I might figure out how to get back to being able to post, but my Internet is slow, and obviously I need to up-date my browser, but it's never supporting what ever I download! So, that's where I'm at as far as doing much here on blogspot.

But, I will try to continue to post things about what I'm doing. As long as I can get in here, I will.

Happy Easter, everyone!


  1. Hi, Lorelei. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with this bloggy stuff. We need assistants for all of "this hacker crap", to paraphrase Jurassic Park. I hope things get better there.
    Congratulations on all the juggling that you do. Just when I think I'm busy!! I hope you have a good week, my friend.


  2. Hey, Jimmy! Thanks. I think I need something like that, for sure. I don't know how I'll work this out. I may have to do something, though soon. Boy, must be nice to have fast Internet.

    Take care, friend!

  3. Here I find myself wishing for an extra four or five hours in a day... I can never seem to get caught up.


Talk To Me...


Hi, everyone, I have some great news! My first Sabrina Strong book, Ascension, is now in an audio book format.  NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTE...