Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Third Review Up On AMAZON

Another 5-STARS review:

Okay, I know that my publisher, Copperhill Media, had this review set up for me (and an interview is to be done soon on Reader Views) with this review site. However, I don't think you could make someone say things like: “I was ecstatic to discover that I had gotten my hands on a truly extraordinary vampire tale.” Or that she can't wait to see what I have in store for Sabrina and the other characters in the next novel. But that's just a few of the things Paige Lovitt, for Reader Views, had to say on her review of Vampire Ascending, which was just posted today over on Amazon for my book. I found her review, and how she summed up what she found most interesting in my book an interesting spin that others didn't have. It's always interesting to hear/read what other people have found either interesting, or what made them relate to my character, Sabrina Strong.

And there couldn't be any way on Earth—as I'm sure no one twisted her arm, or threw money at her feet (I don't think)--to make Ms. Lovitt ask to review my very first self-published book, “Spell of the Black Unicorn” -- for free. Since Copperhill Media did not publish this book, she was told that I would have to be contacted for a copy. Which I so handily have on my person. I actually have several copies. What I wouldn't give to get rid—er, uh, sell them, (yeah, that's the ticket)--to a few customers. And I'm happy to oblige her.

I suppose Ms. Lovitt had to only have used a search with my name at Amazon to come up with anything else I've published. And since Spell of the Black Unicorn is at Amazon too, I'm sure she merely thought that perhaps the same publisher had done this one too. I'm sure she is curious what this book might hold as well.

So, to view this review and see what she says you can go to AMAZON http://www.amazon.com/Vampire-Ascending-Lorelei-Bell/product-reviews/
to find it.

When the interview is up, I will post that as well. I thank Ms. Lovitt for a very wonderful review. I'm not sure if she will find my light fantasy as good, but she might find it interesting, filled with magic and lots of unusual characters.

We will see.


  1. Congrats on the great review!!!

  2. Congrats on the great review! Having read your fabulous book I know the review was well earned. I'm terrible about remembering to do reviews. I need to do one for you!

  3. Oh! Heather, I guess someone had to have bought one of the 5 Kindles my publisher said sold in the US! Whenever you post it, let me know.

    And thank you Lizz!

  4. Congrats and happy dances for you!

  5. Thanks Shelly! I can't wait to see my first royalty check. Should be coming in soon.


Talk To Me...


Hi, everyone, I have some great news! My first Sabrina Strong book, Ascension, is now in an audio book format.  NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTE...